Executive Class Travel | Fort Worth, TX
Reviews (1)
If you bought tours or used the services of this travel company: Executive Class Travel | Fort Worth, TX , then you can write, submit & share your experience and opinions about their services, prices, available tours or travel deals & more. Your review will become a very useful information for other tourists. All reviews will be verified by admins at Travel-Agent-US.Com.

My review of this business is far worse than one star.
My husband and I have been dealt a very bad blow by the owner, Steve Adair, of this business.
We booked and paid for two business class tickets to Paris from Los Angeles in 2020.
Our trips were canceled due to Covid.
Steve refused to offer us a refund and promised to honor our tickets for any future travel.
Since Covid restrictions were canceled I have tried for months to have Steve rebook our flights. I didn't even change our itinerary.
He consistently made false promises and even stated that he had booked tickets for us.
He was totally untruthful and dishonest and we found that we had no confirmed booking.
We were left high and dry......even though we had paid for a tour and hotels.
I would never ever recommend this business and feel totally let down and out of $7378.36, paid to the company for our original flights.

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