Janice Sullinger | Cortland Travel | Cortland, OH
Listing Details
Agent Name
Janice Sullinger
Travel Agency
Cortland Travel
530 Trumbull Ave, Cortland, OH, 44410
(330) 637-1152
Reviews (1)
If you bought tours or used the services of this travel company: Janice Sullinger | Cortland Travel | Cortland, OH , then you can write, submit & share your experience and opinions about their services, prices, available tours or travel deals & more. Your review will become a very useful information for other tourists. All reviews will be verified by admins at Travel-Agent-US.Com.

Janice is by far the worse coordinator to work with. Her lack of attention to details is concerning. She alone is the reason not to use the company and after hearing of her experience with a friend who has use the company, I have decided to look elsewhere for my special day” Submit review See all 1 reviews