User Reviews
Marie Labisi | Tlc Travel Svc Inc | Metuchen, NJ
Reviews (1)
If you bought tours or used the services of this travel company: Marie Labisi | Tlc Travel Svc Inc | Metuchen, NJ , then you can write, submit & share your experience and opinions about their services, prices, available tours or travel deals & more. Your review will become a very useful information for other tourists. All reviews will be verified by admins at Travel-Agent-US.Com.
Craig Scott
Taking advantage of people that had to cancel because of the virus
From what I’m hearing, Marie Labisi doesn’t really look out for her clients. Due to the virus we had to cancel for July and we got charged a cancellation fee. The website says there is no charge if you booked for August but a fee in July? Makes no sense! Not good business so I have decided to talk to future clients and print things out about TLC travel services. Obviously you can’t go to Italy right now so why the problem?