User Reviews

Angela Krishana | Nuovo Travel LLC | Fairfield, NJ

Reviews (1)
If you bought tours or used the services of this travel company: Angela Krishana | Nuovo Travel LLC | Fairfield, NJ , then you can write, submit & share your experience and opinions about their services, prices, available tours or travel deals & more. Your review will become a very useful information for other tourists. All reviews will be verified by admins at Travel-Agent-US.Com.

Excellent Service
Nuovo Tours is the best tour company that I have traveled with. It is second to none. Both Peter and Angela are excellent hosts. They will leave with you on the trip and be with you throughout the trip. This gives you a sense of security that is not equal to any other company. They are both very knowledgeable and have close to 40 years of experience. Nuovo Tours is the Best.

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